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# Changelog
## v1.0.0
### Breaking
- *Removed* function X (@behinger)
- *Deprecated* Y (@contributor)
- *Changed* input to Z (#143)
### Minor
- *Fixed* typos in docs
- *Added* new feature :tada:
- *Security* issue found. No fix yet
dont | rather |
Input Error | Input Error: x was not a Float64 , please check you didn’t provide an integer |
This should never have happened | XYZ was not fullfilled, please reach out as this should not have happened |
radius(H::Hyperrectangle, [p]::Real=Inf)::Real
Return the radius of a hyperrectangle.
# Arguments
- `H` -- hyperrectangle
- `p` -- (optional, default: `Inf`) norm
# Output
A real number representing the radius.
# Notes
The radius is defined as the radius of the enclosing ball of the given
`p`-norm of minimal volume with the same center.
# Examples
julia> bar([1, 2], [1, 2])
See also [`bar!`](@ref), [`baz`](@ref), [`baaz`](@ref).
function radius(H::Hyperrectangle, p::Real=Inf)::Real
Use a template and add it to all your functions
A recommended system for documentation
Tutorials | How-To | Reference | Explanation |
teaching a child to cook | several recipes | how ginger is added to the pot | why garlic is needed in all cookingh |
a lesson | a series of steps | dry description | discursive explanation |
beginners/users | users | developers | users/developers |
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