Code Review

Lisa DeBruine


Research transparency and integrity benefit greatly from computationally reproducible code, and there is an increasing emphasis on learning the skills to code. However, there hasn’t been as much emphasis on learning the skills to check code. People cite a lack of time, expertise, and incentives as reasons that they don’t ask others to review their research code, but the most commonly cited reason was embarrassment for others to see their code.

Why Code?

Error Detection

An analysis by Nuijten et al. (2016) of over 250K p-values reported in 8 major psych journals from 1985 to 2013 found that:

  • half the papers had at least one inconsistent p-value
  • 1/8 of papers had errors that could affect conclusions
  • errors more likely to be erroneously significant than not

Analysis Reproducibility

Of 35 articles published in Cognition with usable data (but no code, Hardwicke et al. (2018) found:

  • only 11 could be reproduced independently
  • 11 were reproducible with the original authors’ help
  • 13 were not reproducible even by the original authors

Code Reproducibility

Of 62 Registered Reports in psychology published from 2014–2018, 36 had data and analysis code, 31 could be run, and 21 reproduced all the main results (Obels et al, 2020)

What is Code Review?

The process of methodically and systematically checking over code–your own or someone else’s–after it has been written.

  • Is the code legible and clear?
  • Is the analysis reproducible?
  • Are other outputs reproducible?
  • Does the code do what was intended?
  • Does the code follows best practices?

Barriers to Doing Code Review

💻 Technical

  • Lack of skill
  • No guide

⏱ Incentive

  • No time
  • Not expected

😳 Social

  • Expectations
  • Fear of judgement

Goals of Code Review

The specific goals of any code review will depend on the stage in the research process at which it is being done, the expertise of the coder and reviewer, and the amount of time available.

In this talk, we’ll focus on pre-submission code review by colleagues.

Does it run?

  • Requires the least expertise and time
  • Can result in a substantial improvement
  • Run on a different computer than coded on
  • Ideally, access from the same place users or reviewers will
  • Note if you get any errors
  • If you have the expertise to fix them, make and note the fix, then try again

Is it reproducible?

  • Requires more time, but not expertise
  • The coder can make this a lot easier for the reviewer
  • Anyone running the code should get the same outputs
  • Outputs include: Analysis Results; Plots; Tables
  • Check for a seed when random values are used
  • Assess how straightforward it is to do this check

Is it auditable and understandable?

  • Requires a bit more expertise and time
  • Is the code well-organised?
  • Headers make a complex script much more accessible
  • Can you find corresponding parts of the outputs or manuscript?
  • Are all parts of the process available (e.g., generating analysed data from raw data)?
  • Literate programming makes code more understandable.

Does it follow best practices?

  • Requires substantial expertise and time
  • General coding principles that serve to reduce the scope for errors and make understanding code easier, for example:
    • Do the variable names make sense?
    • Is there repeated code (DRY) or values defined in multiple places (SPOT)?
    • Are outputs of long processes saved and loaded from file?
    • Are there sense checks or unit tests where appropriate?

Is it correct and appropriate?

  • Requires substantial expertise and time
  • Is the code actually doing what was intended?
  • Is what was intended correct?
  • Detect logical problems (e.g., filtering in instead of out)
  • May require domain expertise to detect some problems (e.g., knowing that a certain questionnaire has reverse-coded items)

Not Goals

  • Debugging
  • Code help
  • Statistical help

XKCD comic. first panel: stick figure sitting at a desk, says 'can you take a look at the bug I just opened?', off-panel voice says 'uh oh'; second panel: stick figure turn to look at offscreen voice, who says 'Is this a NORMAL bug, or one f those horrifying ones that prove your whole projec is broken beyond repair and should be burned to the ground?'

Key Concepts

A review package should include:

  • A README file that describes the project; specifies credit and licensing
  • Any outputs that the reviewers should try to reproduce
  • All data used to create the outputs to be reproduced
  • All code necessary to recreate the outputs
  • A main script that runs any subscripts in the relevant order

Project organisation

  • Make sure all files used in the code are in a single directory that is the working directory
  • Use Jupyter notebooks or RStudio projects to make this easy
  • Include a README that explains the purpose of all files
  • Danielle Navarro’s Project structure

File paths

All file references should use relative paths, not absolute paths.

👎 Absolute Path

dogs = open("C:\Documents\My Project\data\dogs.csv", "r")

👍 Relative Path

dogs  open("data/dogs.csv", "r")

Naming things

Name files and code objects so both people and computers can easily find things.

  • File and directory names should only contain letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, with a full stop (.) between the file name and extension (no spaces!) e.g., DeBruine_code-review_2023-10-10.qmd
  • Be consistent with capitalization, punctuation, and order
  • Use a pattern that alphabetizes in a sensible order
  • Use YYYY-MM-DD format for dates
  • Jenny Bryan’s Naming Things

Data documentation


  • authors
  • date and location
  • sampling/inclusion criteria
  • instruments used
  • updates to the data
  • license

Variable information

  • Names (i.e., the column names)
  • Labels/description
  • Codings (e.g., 1 = always, 5 = never)
  • Data type (e.g., binary, continuous)
  • Descriptives (e.g., min, max)
  • Data units (e.g., mg/L, months)
  • Missing values (e.g., NA, 999)

Literate coding

An approach to programming that focuses on the creation of a document containing a mix of human-readable narrative text and machine-readable computer code.

  • Quarto, Jupyter, or R Markdown notebooks

Single point of truth (SPOT)

With repeated numbers

using DataFrames, Random

simdat = DataFrame(
  id = 1:10, 
  group = repeat(["A", "B"], 5), 
  dv = randn(10)

With parameter variables

n = 10

simdat = DataFrame(
  id = 1:n,
  group = repeat(["A", "B"], n ÷ 2), 
  dv = randn(n)

Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)

With repeated code

using HypothesisTests

dfA = filter(row -> == "A", simdat)
analysisA = OneSampleTTest(dfA.dv)

dfB = filter(row -> == "B", simdat)
analysisB = OneSampleTTest(dfB.dv)

With a function

function subtest(data, level)
    sub_df = filter(row -> == level, data)
    return OneSampleTTest(sub_df.dv)

analysisA = subtest(simdat, "A")
analysisB = subtest(simdat, "B")

Unit Tests

using Test

# check length of DataFrame is correct
@test size(simdat, 1) == 10

# check column names are as expected
@test names(simdat) == ["id", "group", "dv"]

# check all dv values are positive
@test all(simdat.dv .> 0)

Code Review Guide

Huge thanks to the Code Review Guide Team (especially Hao Ye, Kaija Gahm, Andrew Stewart, Elaine Kearney, Ekaterina Pronizius, Saeed Shafiei Sabet, Clare Conry Murray)

Anyone is welcome to get involved in the project.


🔐 Personal Code

  • Find code that you have written, in any language
  • Form groups of 2-3 people with code in the same language
  • Trade scripts and write code reviews
  • Go over the code review with the writer

🔓 Open Code

  • Form groups of 2-3 with expertise in the same topic/language
  • Find open code in that topic and language
  • Collaboratively write a code review for it
  • Optional: send it to the code author